
Current Series

First Timothy: A Church Like Christ

One of the biggest challenges we will face in our lifetime is being steadfast with God’s Word.  We will be tempted to drift away from sound teaching and fall into liberalism or legalism.

What does a Christ-like church look like?  What are we to believe?  How are we to behave?  Who are the wolves who seek to infiltrate God’s flock?  How can we be aware of their teachings and schemes?

We will answer these questions as we take 25 weeks to deeply immerse ourselves in this short but important book of the Bible.

Acts & the Epistles

In 2022, our church began a multi-year, multi-book series on Acts and the Epistles.  We have been going through the book of Acts, and pausing to go through each of Paul’s letters as he writes them.

In the first half of summer 2024, we finished the book of Acts.  Then we dove into Ephesians, Colossians, and Philippians.  It was a great time gathering around God’s Word as God’s people!

Romans: The Gospel for Salvation

Recently, our church completed a 32 week series on the book of Romans.  We walked through this epistle verse by verse, chapter by chapter from start to finish. 

Romans will change you.  Romans will challenge you.  And Romans will conform you to the image of Jesus Christ.

The book of Romans is Paul’s robust and detailed explanation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  In Romans, Paul details the sin of mankind, salvation in Christ, sanctification, God’s sovereignty, and Christian service.  All of this is written to unite believers with the Gospel.

In addition to the Sunday sermons, there are several companion booklets which will be released throughout the course of this sermon series.  Grab yours to follow along and dive deeper into God’s Word.